The Inside Word

Premier attempts the perfect dismount, but will it impress the judges?

It’s more than seven years until the Olympic flame is lit in Brisbane, but already we have a genuine contender for a gymnastics gold medal – Premier David Crisafulli for attempting the riskiest of dismounts under extreme pressure.

After weeks of media reports, the Premier today confirmed Queensland’s worst-kept secret – the main venue for 2032 will be at Victoria Park and not at a rebuilt Gabba stadium.

It’s a clear contradiction of his unambiguous commitment to no new stadium for the event.  However, two independent reviews have come up with the same recommendation, as have the Brisbane Lord Mayor and the two major sporting tenants of the Gabba – Cricket Australia and the AFL.

Recent weeks have also seen leaked details of the staggering true costs of redeveloping either the Gabba – in the middle of a major traffic artery – or the Queensland Sport and Athletic Centre (QSAC) arena at Nathan.

With such a wave of high-profile support for Victoria Park, and a storm of negative news for alternative venues, Crisafulli and his Cabinet appear to have no other option but to shift their position.

Part one of the Premier’s dismount is a carefully crafted media campaign to smooth the road to Victoria Park and lead the public mood.  Stand by for part two to begin within days.

Expect a very strong government promotional campaign to follow today’s announcement. But, rather than overtly plugging the new stadium, expect a more sophisticated effort to rebuild public excitement about Brisbane taking its place as one of a very small number of world cities to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Such an effort is desperately needed, with many Queenslanders feeling jaded and cynical after three years of flip flops and inaction.

The rights and wrongs of the decision will be hotly debated for years.  However, the excitement that comes with the keys to a shiny new stadium invariably makes the public quickly forget about delays, cost overruns and even broken promises.

Unlocking the stadium doors is still many years away, but not as far as people think.  Brisbane will become the Olympic City in just over three years when the baton is passed after the Los Angeles games. (Coincidentally, this will be the year, 2028, in which David Crisafulli must front Queensland voters as Premier for the first time.)

Between now and then, expect a flurry of feel-good promotions from the State Government as it hopes excitement about the Olympic rings will prompt a bout of voter amnesia about past comments.

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