The Inside Word

The SAS Standard
Like all government relations agencies, the SAS Group is governed by various integrity frameworks at both the state and federal level. These arrangements are in place to ensure transparency and accountability in interactions between public officials and private organisations, and we support them.
But our team doesn’t strive simply to be the same as all other agencies. Our commitment to integrity and transparency is at the heart of all our interactions with government – both elected officials and public servants.
That’s why we moved several years ago to implement our SAS Group Integrity Charter, which outlines our commitment to going beyond simply complying with the relevant legislation and instead striving for gold-standard openness and accountability.
You can read our Integrity Charter in the About Us section of our website, or if you’re in our head office you can see it on display in the reception area.
At its most basic, our commitment is to foster a culture that always tends towards disclosure and openness in our dealings with government.
For public officials who work with us and our clients, it means they can have confidence that all our dealings will comply with the letter and the spirit of the relevant laws, and that they can have frank and open discussions on issues that affect the future of our state and nation.
For our clients, it means you’re working with an organisation committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity in our dealings with you and your sensitive commercial information.
This commitment will be more important than ever in the year ahead of us. With elections in Canberra and Western Australia looming in coming months, and a new government still finding its feet in Queensland, there will be unprecedented demand for meetings and policy decisions with both sides of the political sphere.
For these interactions to bear fruit, it’s vital not only that you have complete trust in your government relations adviser, but that government does as well.