The Inside Word

Qld Cabinet refresh may decide two elections
The change of leader and cabinet in any government is a big deal. It’s a change of people, culture and, perhaps, fortune. Labor’s new Queensland leader, Premier Steven Miles, has started well with a renewed front bench and a clever sidestep on the 2032 Olympic Games.
Premier Miles has effectively reshaped his government (see the new Steven Miles Ministry below) to give it a new feel and a chance to win the state election in October 2024. Expect more changes and announcements ahead if the new Premier is to demonstrate leadership on issues like cost-of-living, crime, healthcare and infrastructure spending. Listening to the electorate on these matters will be important to demonstrate the Premier understands what’s going to count on election day.
The new Steven Miles ministry includes five new ministers and portfolio reshuffle among those who remain in the ministry. Some of the changes include former Education Minister Grace Grace being appointed Minister for State Development and Infrastructure, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Racing; while the Member for Bundamba, Lance McCallum, is gaining a new ministry of Employment and Small Business along with Training and Skills Development. Meahgan Scanlon has added Local Government, Planning and Public Works to her Housing portfolio, and Di Farmer becomes the Minister for Education and Minister for Youth Justice.
The cyclone and flood devastation in Far North Queensland this week is a good platform for Premier Miles to step up and show he’s in touch with Queenslanders. Turning up to meet people and getting dirty on the ground will be critical to how Steven Miles’ government is perceived by the rest of the state during what will be a very rough Christmas for many.
Given recent polling and the difficulty for any incumbent to win a fourth term, the odds are heavily against state Labor retaining government next year. The timing and outcome of Queensland’s election will impact the timing, and possibly the outcome, of the federal election which is due any time before the end of May 2025. Throw in Queensland’s March 2024 local government elections, and Labor’s Anthony Albanese will be watching who wins what as he assesses his own political chances at the next election, particularly in the Sunshine State.
While federal Labor has slumped in the polls and narrowed the gap with Peter Dutton’s Coalition in the race for 2025, it’s way too early for anyone to call. However, who holds government in Queensland at the time will be crucial because, historically, if the opportunity arises at an election, Queenslanders have preferred a balance between political parties.
So, while Steven Miles will be squarely focused on sentiment and issues in Queensland to have a chance at the state polls, so too will Anthony Albanese. Election fortunes often swing on what happens in Queensland and next year will likely be no different.
Queensland Government Ministry
- CAMERON DICK Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment
- GRACE GRACE Minister for State Development and Infrastructure, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Racing
- SHANNON FENTIMAN Minister for Health, Mental Health and Ambulance Services and Minister for Women
- YVETTE D’ATH MP Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence
- MICHAEL DE BRENNI Minister for Clean Economy and Jobs
- MEAGHAN SCANLON Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Public Works
- MARK RYAN Minister for Police and Community Safety
- LEEANNE ENOCH Minister for Treaty, Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Minister for Communities and Minister for the Arts
- DI FARMER Minister for Education and Minister for Youth Justice
- MARK FURNER Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities
- GLENN BUTCHER Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing and Minister for Water
- SCOTT STEWART Minister for Resources and Critical Minerals
- LEANNE LINARD Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef and Minister for Science and Innovation
- NIKKI BOYD Minister for Fire and Disaster Recovery and Minister for Corrective Services
- BART MELLISH Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital Services
- LANCE MCCALLUM Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development
- CHARIS MULLEN Minister for Child Safety, Minister for Seniors and Disability Services and Minister for Multicultural Affairs
- MICHAEL HEALY Minister for Tourism and Sport
- BRUCE SAUNDERS Assistant Minister for Train Manufacturing, Regional Development, and Jobs.
- JULIEANNE GILBERT Assistant Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Industrial Relations and Racing
- BRITTANY LAUGA Assistant Minister for Health and Regional Health Infrastructure
- ALI KING Assistant Minister for Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works
- JENNIFER HOWARD Assistant Minister for Treasury, Trade and Investment
- SHANE KING Assistant Minister for Clean Energy Jobs
- CORRINE MCMILLAN Assistant Minister for Education and Youth Justice
- JAMES SULLIVAN Assistant Minister for Justice and Veterans Affairs