SAS Group > Case Studies
Lives Lived Well

Lives Lived Well was created in May 2012 when three key alcohol and drug service providers: the Alcohol and Drug Foundation Queensland, the Gold Coast Drug Council, and the Queensland Drug and Alcohol Council recognised the benefits of combining expertise and resources towards achieving a shared purpose. It runs a range of community and residential programs across QLD (and later NSW), helping thousands of people each year deal with alcohol and drug challenges and move forward in life.
When the charity organisation approached the SAS Group they were looking to expand their residential program services beyond Queensland with the support of state and federal funding.
To achieve Lives Lived Well’s goal. the SAS Group proposed and executed the following:
- The development and implementation of a Government Relations plan, which included assistance in developing and refining key messages aligned with the organisation’s strategic goals, and engagement and communication with key politicians and advisors within relevant Queensland and Australian Government portfolios, and with key Departmental officers.
- Assistance in monitoring and advising on key areas of Government policy relevant to the operation and funding of alcohol and drug support services.
- Support to the Chief Executive and officers in preparation for government related briefings and presentations, including informal training as appropriate.
In addition to this Lives Lived Well was provided with Media Training and Crisis Response Plan. With the SAS Group’s multi-faceted approach, Lives Lived Well was able to expand its services into New South Wales.
“As a long-standing supporter of Lives Lived Well, the SAS Group has aided us in our vision to inspire people to live their lives well. Lives Lived Well helps people affected by alcohol and other drugs and mental health concerns across Queensland and New South Wales. The SAS Group have contributed to our strategic direction and success in supporting vulnerable Australians through their engagement and advocacy across government. Notable achievements include a critical role in seeking funding for a family residential drug and alcohol service, a residential rehabilitation service in Caboolture (Wunya), and a community-based program in Nowra,” writes Mitchell Giles, Chief Executive Officer.