SAS Group > Case Studies

Basslink | Keppel Infrastructure Trust


Basslink operates the undersea sole electrical cable between Tasmania and Victoria. In December 2015, Basslink was subject to an outage that took place approximately 100 kilometres off the Tasmanian coast. The link was restored in June 2016. The outage resulted in a dispute between Basslink and the State of Tasmania and wholly owned operator Hydro Tasmania. A series of technical challenges ensued and the relationship between the parties became strained. The SAS Group was engaged to help Keppel Infrastructure Trust and Basslink rebuild their relationship with the State and to secure necessary consents to enable refinancing of the existing debt at Basslink.


Faced with significant legacy challenges, Basslink and Keppel have over the course of 12 months rebuilt significant goodwill and operate in a more cooperative, open and transparent relationship with the State.


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“Starting with my initial meetings with Peter and Larry, SAS was able to formulate a strategy to restart and reposition KIT with the relevant government representatives both at the federal and State level.  Our working relationship with the State turned from one of distrust and lack of communication to a very open and transparent relationship anchored by trust.”

Matthew R Pollard, Chief Executive Officer
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